Friday, April 15, 2016

Happy Interruptions

The sun woke me up this morning, and for the first time in a while, it held both light and warmth. After a satisfyingly resourceful breakfast, and truly abandoning tights for spring air, I tra-la-la-ed to my workspace all set to take in the sea of Siberian Squill that are blooming outside my workspace door!  I even planned to title today's post "True Blue Content-mint".  For real, that's what a cheeseball, joyful mood I was in.

Yep, I said was.

In hindsight, I'm glad my happy gait was interrupted.  Not because cheesy joy is bad (far from it, this girl needs to allow herself more), but because the realization that stalled mine was worthwhile.

Not long after my arrival, I went to check an Instagram notification only to see a new post by an inspiring person that I follow-- the post, and the little face pictured in it, were beautiful and heartbreaking.  Joy-giving and convicting.  Inspiring and frustrating, because I feel stuck where I am, and long for opportunities to walk alongside hurting people.  

The picture was of a little girl named Angali, at a school in Bangladesh-- brilliant, full of life, but held down by the socioeconomic plights of her reality.  The post went on to express the true, true thought that our belongings and money are really not our own, and that they exist merely to meet our needs and to overflow into those who are without.

It's reminders like these that help clear the fluff from my vision.  I war with myself on a pretty regular basis about my existence and involvement in the complacency of our culture. Day in and day out I'm shocked to see people around me content in (and distracted by) a life of the corporate rat race, entertainment and good food.  I love fresh produce and a mean burrito like the next person, but I've reached a point in my life where my hunger is really for purpose-- for these hands of mine to do work that lasts, and the only things that do are the hearts of people.

These thoughts have been ever before me lately, and with them opportunities to go.  It's unclear yet where I'll end up, but I have such peace in the process, and confidence that the Father will show me when it's time.  Australia, California, Colorado, or here in Chicago-- I'm praying over these places at the moment, and being as present as I can be where I am. 

I think that's the biggest challenge, at times: to know that whatever work we are currently doing (even if it feels not 110% full of purpose), that it does not go to waste if we do it in love.

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