Friday, November 15, 2013

Settling In

I have been moved into my new abode for two weeks this coming Monday and it is good.  

This charming little place quite literally dropped into my lap-- like so many great, God-ordained things of late.  The bride of the recent wedding I worked on is actually the person I am subletting from.  It's funny, when I first expressed interest in the place I wasn't even actively looking to move, and knew nothing about the apartment-- except that I liked the location.  In the moment I even felt a little crazy-- haha, even people who love me thought I was a bit crazy.

But here I am, and I can feel God growing me through it already.  That's honestly not really been a good feeling either.  I've felt Spiritually attacked this week quite a bit, self doubt around why I made this move, realization of how much easier life would be if I hadn't. 

That's exactly the point though: the easy road never results in growth or depth. Thought part of me wishes my self development were over already, I fully realize how sad it would be for my human potential to cease at 25.  

Heck no, onward to more growth-- even if that makes me uncomfortable.

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